Monday, March 23, 2009

Hi, My Name is Jessica

Urghhh...we are getting sick over and over again! First, Wyatt and I had fevers...Wyatt's was a sinus infection, mine was the flu...or bronchitis...or whatever knocks you down for a few days and makes you absolutely useless to your family. Then, Noah got sick...they tested him for strep, the flu, the works...and decided he had a nasty virus. Just as we were recovering from that, Wyatt had a headache, took a nap, and woke up with a 103 degree fever! That was at 6:30pm, last Friday. So we had to go to the doctor's office on Saturday morning--you know that EVERY kid there is chock full of germs. He had the flu; but Tamiflu actually helped. We thought we were all on the mend...

I took all the kids to the doctor for a flu shot (yeah, it's a little late, but they said it was still a good idea)--guess what? Wyatt has a DOUBLE ear infection! Blah...wah...

Trying to be germ-free, I dance around the house, like the Health Fairy, spraying Lysol on anything that doesn't move...and in the general vicinity of some that do. We have missed church for two solid weeks (I think--it may be longer). We're feeling withdrawal symptoms. As mommy, I want to cuddle and comfort the sickies; as wife, I want to make sure my husband gets to church--I get fellowship when we make it to school, but he is always stuck at work with unbelievers. But I hate missing all this church; when we finally do get back, I bet I'll have to walk up and introduce myself to people.

Can I be the only one this ever happens to? Anyone else want to chime in on this? Let loose! And, by the way, if you see me at church, come on over and introduce yourself... :D


  1. Hi, my name is Tammy. I love the part about the Healthy Fairy. You crack me up. Oh, and P.S. Emily started crying after you all left tonight because her ear hurt inside. oi ve (did I spell that even close to right?) oy vey, oy ve, hmmm now I have to play with it.
