Friday, March 20, 2009

EZ Come, EZ Go

When we first moved to Liverpool, we quickly realized that the Thruway was the fastest route to church and school. I got the cool little windshield-mounted EZ-Pass reader, skimmed through the instructions, and we started spending our days between exit 35 and exit 38. Between school, church and sports, we still average about 10 round trips each week!

EZ-Pass makes life so much just pull through, watch the little light to turn green, and you're on your way! Phenomenal!! I just loved the technology so much...I remember telling Jeff all about the amazing capabilities of the EZ-Pass booths. Each day, I would come home and say something like, "It's incredible! I went through at 20 miles an hour and it read it!" or "30 miles an hour! Who invents these things?" Jeff would reply, "You should be careful, doesn't it say 5 mph on the sign?" I would say, "That's probably just so that people make sure that the light is green before they go through it. Don't worry, I always look to be sure the light is green."

After the first month or so, we settled into a speedy little routine...UNTIL...The notices started pouring in. The first one that came said, "You have violated the speed limit of the NYS Thruway EZ-Pass booths of 5 mph." Then there was something about this being a warning...

There really is a speed limit? And it's just FIVE mph? 5? Only 5? I was a little (okay, a lot) frustrated because I knew it would read at a much higher speed. Ugh. Jeff made me promise to follow the rules. I complained a little (okay, a lot) about how unfair this was, but agreed to go slower.

Then, the next day another couple of notices arrived...and more the next day...and more the next. So Jeff got a little upset (okay, a lot)! Each successive notice was a little stronger punishment--30 day suspension, 60 day suspension, 90 day suspension--until, finally, they CANCELLED my account! Zoiks!

So I called EZ-Pass and talked to them about the problem. I explained that I was just so impressed with their technology--I am all for following the rules, I didn't know that there was a rule. They said, there's a sign that says 5 mph on the top of the booth. I was VERY sorry; I really just thought that it was a suggestion. So, so very very sorry. Please forgive me. Please, oh please--for my husband's sake.

EZ-Pass was a little skeptical but very generous...wellllllll, they let me have EZ-Pass back, but they told me I was on probation. As long as I didn't speed through in the next year, I would be okay.

But here's the kicker--about three months later, EZ-Pass opened SPEED LANES! Big signs proclaimed a speedy limit of 20 miles an hour! Hmm! WHERE DO YOU THINK THEY GOT THIS WONDERFUL IDEA FROM? They never sent me a thank you...but they also never took away my pass....soooooo, I think we'll let it go...and just be happy to come and go...


  1. You are hilarious!! I think you should call EZ Pass and ask them where they got such a clever idea. :) Tammy

  2. Same thing happened to me! I wrote a letter, though, and begged for mercy for MY husband's sake. They let me keep mine too! Deb

  3. I know your pain...except I had a thruway employee TELL me you could go as fast as you want...though now that i think of it he didnt say i SHOULD go through that fast. looks like they are pretty used to people making the same mistake! haha
