Not wanting to let a "teachable moment" slide, I took him to Wegmans. On the way there, he picked three empty soda bottles out from under the kids' seats--okay, I realize we missed the "teachable moment" of keeping the car clean. Baby steps, people. We brought the bottles to the return machine and it duly spit out the little receipt. He said, "It's broken, this isn't money!" Urgh...does every moment have to be a teaching moment?
We dashed to the bulk food aisle and picked out 5 Hershey kisses (just in case any "accidentally" disappeared on the way) and weighed it on the scale--8 cents. Perfect, now he would even get a little change back from the 15 cents he "earned" on bottle returns. After getting all rung up, we started for the door, his fist tightly closed around two pennies and a nickel.
Wyatt suddenly stopped and dashed over to the Coinstar machine. "Turn your change into cash," he read aloud. "Sweet!! I want to give it my money and get three dollars!" The nearby store manager thought it was hilarious, but she wasn't the one dragging him away from the machine. I'm teachable momented out at the moment!