"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us." Hebrews 12:1
Friday, November 20, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
The Value of Money
On the way home today, Wyatt said, "Mommy, you know how chocolate is my favorite candy? Well, I accidentally ate the Hershey kiss off Zoe's cookie, today." [Wyatt and his friend, Thomas, made cookies with Poppa this weekend, which he then brought in for Show & Tell and to share with the class--and to get them out of the house!!! ] It seems that Zoe, for some strange reason, didn't appreciate a peanut butter blossom cookie with the chocolate picked off. We decided that he ate the chocolate on purpose but that he made her feel bad on accident. And he thought that getting her some new chocolate to go with an apology card would be a good route toward redemption.
Not wanting to let a "teachable moment" slide, I took him to Wegmans. On the way there, he picked three empty soda bottles out from under the kids' seats--okay, I realize we missed the "teachable moment" of keeping the car clean. Baby steps, people. We brought the bottles to the return machine and it duly spit out the little receipt. He said, "It's broken, this isn't money!" Urgh...does every moment have to be a teaching moment?
We dashed to the bulk food aisle and picked out 5 Hershey kisses (just in case any "accidentally" disappeared on the way) and weighed it on the scale--8 cents. Perfect, now he would even get a little change back from the 15 cents he "earned" on bottle returns. After getting all rung up, we started for the door, his fist tightly closed around two pennies and a nickel.
Wyatt suddenly stopped and dashed over to the Coinstar machine. "Turn your change into cash," he read aloud. "Sweet!! I want to give it my money and get three dollars!" The nearby store manager thought it was hilarious, but she wasn't the one dragging him away from the machine. I'm teachable momented out at the moment!
Not wanting to let a "teachable moment" slide, I took him to Wegmans. On the way there, he picked three empty soda bottles out from under the kids' seats--okay, I realize we missed the "teachable moment" of keeping the car clean. Baby steps, people. We brought the bottles to the return machine and it duly spit out the little receipt. He said, "It's broken, this isn't money!" Urgh...does every moment have to be a teaching moment?
We dashed to the bulk food aisle and picked out 5 Hershey kisses (just in case any "accidentally" disappeared on the way) and weighed it on the scale--8 cents. Perfect, now he would even get a little change back from the 15 cents he "earned" on bottle returns. After getting all rung up, we started for the door, his fist tightly closed around two pennies and a nickel.
Wyatt suddenly stopped and dashed over to the Coinstar machine. "Turn your change into cash," he read aloud. "Sweet!! I want to give it my money and get three dollars!" The nearby store manager thought it was hilarious, but she wasn't the one dragging him away from the machine. I'm teachable momented out at the moment!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Can I Just Say...?

My alarm was set for the wrong time this morning, so I woke up at 7:00...to get the kids out the door by 7:30?!?!?! And the day just progressed along that same line, right up to just having dinner ready in time to leave for prayer meeting, not in time to actually eat any of it.
Some days are like that...even in Australia. As we each arrived, it seemed that every sister at prayer meeting had that same kind of day. Not necessarily a bad day, just little frustrations that compounded throughout the day. Some of us seemed on the verge of tears [Not me...never. :P]
As the evening progressed, I noticed that our spirits became lighter. I felt my own tension begin to unwind as we shared from the Bible, talked about last night's message (very encouraging, Bro. David!), and spent time learning from each other (resolved: bodily functions can slow the learning process in classrooms, at every age level).
Tammy's cat even got more relaxed--instead of gnawing on the shoe that I (honest) accidentally kicked at him, he sprawled full-length on the floor, front paws tucked up under his chin, stomach-side-up, back paws stretched to the sides. If I liked cats, I might have gone over and given him a nice pat on the head. But he is bigger than I am, and he scratches harder than I do--I've seen her kids after "playing" with the kitty.
Anyway, I left there with a lighter spirit and more peaceful countenance. Looking around, we all seemed a little lighter and happier.

Perhaps the most poignant reflection of this was Dory who sneaked downstairs toward the end. At school, today, she had a complete meltdown-- she was just weeping inconsolably for no obvious reason. She fell asleep tonight, on her Mommy's lap, lulled by prayers, surrounded by sisters, and with a pretty sunshine sticker stuck to the middle of her forehead.
Down in the Garden [Warning: NOT for the Squeamish] : )
I was going to write about this great analogy I thought of about weeding in the garden--since that is what I spent 5 hours doing, on Saturday. It really gives one time to think. Many of my thoughts were, "OW!" I was in the front yard, so I really had to be creative to pull the weeds, and get around behind the plants, and NOT wave my backside at the oncoming traffic too much.
Naturally, I woke up Sunday morning, all achy and sore and we had an outpouring of the Holy Spirit! I didn't get as much exercise there as Bro. Fred (Praise Him, Brother!) but it sure wasn't a stand-still kind of morning. Hallelujah!
Back to Saturday, though, I really don't mind pulling the weeds. When I have the time, I really enjoy getting every last little bit out, even when I have to dig down a little. Last year was the first time I really put any new plants in, so I spent a lot of time getting the front garden all laid out and organized. Do you have any idea how many nasty little creatures live in the dirt? It is a disgusting, bustling metropolis!
Over the course of the summer, I did learn NOT to scream every time a spider jumped out (and my garden spiders are HUGE!)! I got to know which bugs are good for a garden; and I also learned that you have to kill the ones that are bad for a garden so that they don't kill all your lovely plants. [Warning: next sentence NOT for the squeamish] I got pretty good at squeezing grubs as I tossed them away--feeling the faint "Pop!" just before releasing them into the weed pile.
Which is where my story, today, leads us...I was hurrying to finish because I needed to shower and get ready for Bro. Richard's birthday party, AND I had been doing this for the last five hours. As I fought with the last big weed, I uncovered another grub. It's important, here, to insert the tidal wave of factors that led to what happened...I was tired and my joints were stiff, I hadn't stopped for lunch, I was in a hurry but unable to move quickly, and I was obviously NOT thinking straight. IT WAS HUGE!! And, yes, I squeezed it. (By the way--I wear thick gardening gloves, just in case you thought I was actually doing this bare-handed.)
But my arms were not moving quickly enough, so it didn't pop as it was tossed into the pile. IT POPPED ALL OVER MEEEEEEEE!!!!! Thank God, I had my sunglasses on and my mouth was closed. I felt wet splotches land everywhere...in my hair, on my face, on my neck. I looked down and there were little white goo blobs all over my pretty, green, "Everyone Loves an Irish Girl!" t-shirt.
Well, that did it. I left the last weed. I'm going to carry that horror with me, down to my grave. And now you can, too!
Naturally, I woke up Sunday morning, all achy and sore and we had an outpouring of the Holy Spirit! I didn't get as much exercise there as Bro. Fred (Praise Him, Brother!) but it sure wasn't a stand-still kind of morning. Hallelujah!
Back to Saturday, though, I really don't mind pulling the weeds. When I have the time, I really enjoy getting every last little bit out, even when I have to dig down a little. Last year was the first time I really put any new plants in, so I spent a lot of time getting the front garden all laid out and organized. Do you have any idea how many nasty little creatures live in the dirt? It is a disgusting, bustling metropolis!
Over the course of the summer, I did learn NOT to scream every time a spider jumped out (and my garden spiders are HUGE!)! I got to know which bugs are good for a garden; and I also learned that you have to kill the ones that are bad for a garden so that they don't kill all your lovely plants. [Warning: next sentence NOT for the squeamish] I got pretty good at squeezing grubs as I tossed them away--feeling the faint "Pop!" just before releasing them into the weed pile.
Which is where my story, today, leads us...I was hurrying to finish because I needed to shower and get ready for Bro. Richard's birthday party, AND I had been doing this for the last five hours. As I fought with the last big weed, I uncovered another grub. It's important, here, to insert the tidal wave of factors that led to what happened...I was tired and my joints were stiff, I hadn't stopped for lunch, I was in a hurry but unable to move quickly, and I was obviously NOT thinking straight. IT WAS HUGE!! And, yes, I squeezed it. (By the way--I wear thick gardening gloves, just in case you thought I was actually doing this bare-handed.)
But my arms were not moving quickly enough, so it didn't pop as it was tossed into the pile. IT POPPED ALL OVER MEEEEEEEE!!!!! Thank God, I had my sunglasses on and my mouth was closed. I felt wet splotches land everywhere...in my hair, on my face, on my neck. I looked down and there were little white goo blobs all over my pretty, green, "Everyone Loves an Irish Girl!" t-shirt.
Well, that did it. I left the last weed. I'm going to carry that horror with me, down to my grave. And now you can, too!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Ain't Technology Grand?
An ancient desert traveler...you know how this goes, right?...put some milk into some fresh "bags" (sheep stomachs) and set out with his camel across the sandy sea...as the camel gently swayed and the midday sun warmed, a magical transformation occurred...the milk became... ALAKAZAM!... Cheese! My only problem is that I am not really so good with NEW things...so I would have DIED before eating that and they would have found my bones, next to a hard rock of mold (the camel would have waltzed off and left me there).
Anyway, I do enjoy exploiting new things for my own use (once I know they won't kill me :) ). I think most of us can agree that having regular updates through CaringBridge really help us to "pray without ceasing" for both Bro. Rick and Isabelle. It helps us to recognize an instant need and helps us to stay in touch with the families. Even when you can't make the trip to visit, you have the connection...even the kids in school feel that Isabelle is "our baby." Because of the wonder of technology, we are able to quickly learn new information and send encouragement.
Recently, I have been studying Lamentations (in my new NLT Study Bible--highly recommend it!) WOW! I am overwhelmed by God! It was also cool to see that Keith and Julia posted a few verses from that book...when all seems lost (Israel had, yet again, been overtaken), we can take refuge in the Lord.
So, I'm thinking, let's take a little more advantage of technology...do you have a general or even a specific prayer request? Please post it as a comment or email me burntsienna7@gmail.com and I will add it to the list of things we pray for at each Monday night prayer meeting. And then we can each add it to our own daily prayer lists.
When you post a comment, I think you can just choose blogspot or blogger or anonymous from the dropdown menu...and then just post it. It goes to my inbox and then I send it to the blog. Tammy, what did you select? I'm really not totally sure how it works...I just believe...See, this whole technology thing is wonderful...
Anyway, I do enjoy exploiting new things for my own use (once I know they won't kill me :) ). I think most of us can agree that having regular updates through CaringBridge really help us to "pray without ceasing" for both Bro. Rick and Isabelle. It helps us to recognize an instant need and helps us to stay in touch with the families. Even when you can't make the trip to visit, you have the connection...even the kids in school feel that Isabelle is "our baby." Because of the wonder of technology, we are able to quickly learn new information and send encouragement.
Recently, I have been studying Lamentations (in my new NLT Study Bible--highly recommend it!) WOW! I am overwhelmed by God! It was also cool to see that Keith and Julia posted a few verses from that book...when all seems lost (Israel had, yet again, been overtaken), we can take refuge in the Lord.
- Lamentations 3:21 - 25 “Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The unfailing love of the LORD never ends! By his mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day. I say to myself, "The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!" The LORD is wonderfully good to those who wait for him and seek him.”
So, I'm thinking, let's take a little more advantage of technology...do you have a general or even a specific prayer request? Please post it as a comment or email me burntsienna7@gmail.com and I will add it to the list of things we pray for at each Monday night prayer meeting. And then we can each add it to our own daily prayer lists.
When you post a comment, I think you can just choose blogspot or blogger or anonymous from the dropdown menu...and then just post it. It goes to my inbox and then I send it to the blog. Tammy, what did you select? I'm really not totally sure how it works...I just believe...See, this whole technology thing is wonderful...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Hi, My Name is Jessica
Urghhh...we are getting sick over and over again! First, Wyatt and I had fevers...Wyatt's was a sinus infection, mine was the flu...or bronchitis...or whatever knocks you down for a few days and makes you absolutely useless to your family. Then, Noah got sick...they tested him for strep, the flu, the works...and decided he had a nasty virus. Just as we were recovering from that, Wyatt had a headache, took a nap, and woke up with a 103 degree fever! That was at 6:30pm, last Friday. So we had to go to the doctor's office on Saturday morning--you know that EVERY kid there is chock full of germs. He had the flu; but Tamiflu actually helped. We thought we were all on the mend...
I took all the kids to the doctor for a flu shot (yeah, it's a little late, but they said it was still a good idea)--guess what? Wyatt has a DOUBLE ear infection! Blah...wah...
Trying to be germ-free, I dance around the house, like the Health Fairy, spraying Lysol on anything that doesn't move...and in the general vicinity of some that do. We have missed church for two solid weeks (I think--it may be longer). We're feeling withdrawal symptoms. As mommy, I want to cuddle and comfort the sickies; as wife, I want to make sure my husband gets to church--I get fellowship when we make it to school, but he is always stuck at work with unbelievers. But I hate missing all this church; when we finally do get back, I bet I'll have to walk up and introduce myself to people.
Can I be the only one this ever happens to? Anyone else want to chime in on this? Let loose! And, by the way, if you see me at church, come on over and introduce yourself... :D
I took all the kids to the doctor for a flu shot (yeah, it's a little late, but they said it was still a good idea)--guess what? Wyatt has a DOUBLE ear infection! Blah...wah...
Trying to be germ-free, I dance around the house, like the Health Fairy, spraying Lysol on anything that doesn't move...and in the general vicinity of some that do. We have missed church for two solid weeks (I think--it may be longer). We're feeling withdrawal symptoms. As mommy, I want to cuddle and comfort the sickies; as wife, I want to make sure my husband gets to church--I get fellowship when we make it to school, but he is always stuck at work with unbelievers. But I hate missing all this church; when we finally do get back, I bet I'll have to walk up and introduce myself to people.
Can I be the only one this ever happens to? Anyone else want to chime in on this? Let loose! And, by the way, if you see me at church, come on over and introduce yourself... :D
Friday, March 20, 2009
EZ Come, EZ Go
When we first moved to Liverpool, we quickly realized that the Thruway was the fastest route to church and school. I got the cool little windshield-mounted EZ-Pass reader, skimmed through the instructions, and we started spending our days between exit 35 and exit 38. Between school, church and sports, we still average about 10 round trips each week!
EZ-Pass makes life so much easier...you just pull through, watch the little light to turn green, and you're on your way! Phenomenal!! I just loved the technology so much...I remember telling Jeff all about the amazing capabilities of the EZ-Pass booths. Each day, I would come home and say something like, "It's incredible! I went through at 20 miles an hour and it read it!" or "30 miles an hour! Who invents these things?" Jeff would reply, "You should be careful, doesn't it say 5 mph on the sign?" I would say, "That's probably just so that people make sure that the light is green before they go through it. Don't worry, I always look to be sure the light is green."
After the first month or so, we settled into a speedy little routine...UNTIL...The notices started pouring in. The first one that came said, "You have violated the speed limit of the NYS Thruway EZ-Pass booths of 5 mph." Then there was something about this being a warning...
There really is a speed limit? And it's just FIVE mph? 5? Only 5? I was a little (okay, a lot) frustrated because I knew it would read at a much higher speed. Ugh. Jeff made me promise to follow the rules. I complained a little (okay, a lot) about how unfair this was, but agreed to go slower.
Then, the next day another couple of notices arrived...and more the next day...and more the next. So Jeff got a little upset (okay, a lot)! Each successive notice was a little stronger punishment--30 day suspension, 60 day suspension, 90 day suspension--until, finally, they CANCELLED my account! Zoiks!
So I called EZ-Pass and talked to them about the problem. I explained that I was just so impressed with their technology--I am all for following the rules, I didn't know that there was a rule. They said, there's a sign that says 5 mph on the top of the booth. I was VERY sorry; I really just thought that it was a suggestion. So, so very very sorry. Please forgive me. Please, oh please--for my husband's sake.
EZ-Pass was a little skeptical but very generous...wellllllll, they let me have EZ-Pass back, but they told me I was on probation. As long as I didn't speed through in the next year, I would be okay.
But here's the kicker--about three months later, EZ-Pass opened SPEED LANES! Big signs proclaimed a speedy limit of 20 miles an hour! Hmm! WHERE DO YOU THINK THEY GOT THIS WONDERFUL IDEA FROM? They never sent me a thank you...but they also never took away my pass....soooooo, I think we'll let it go...and just be happy to come and go...
EZ-Pass makes life so much easier...you just pull through, watch the little light to turn green, and you're on your way! Phenomenal!! I just loved the technology so much...I remember telling Jeff all about the amazing capabilities of the EZ-Pass booths. Each day, I would come home and say something like, "It's incredible! I went through at 20 miles an hour and it read it!" or "30 miles an hour! Who invents these things?" Jeff would reply, "You should be careful, doesn't it say 5 mph on the sign?" I would say, "That's probably just so that people make sure that the light is green before they go through it. Don't worry, I always look to be sure the light is green."
After the first month or so, we settled into a speedy little routine...UNTIL...The notices started pouring in. The first one that came said, "You have violated the speed limit of the NYS Thruway EZ-Pass booths of 5 mph." Then there was something about this being a warning...
There really is a speed limit? And it's just FIVE mph? 5? Only 5? I was a little (okay, a lot) frustrated because I knew it would read at a much higher speed. Ugh. Jeff made me promise to follow the rules. I complained a little (okay, a lot) about how unfair this was, but agreed to go slower.
Then, the next day another couple of notices arrived...and more the next day...and more the next. So Jeff got a little upset (okay, a lot)! Each successive notice was a little stronger punishment--30 day suspension, 60 day suspension, 90 day suspension--until, finally, they CANCELLED my account! Zoiks!
So I called EZ-Pass and talked to them about the problem. I explained that I was just so impressed with their technology--I am all for following the rules, I didn't know that there was a rule. They said, there's a sign that says 5 mph on the top of the booth. I was VERY sorry; I really just thought that it was a suggestion. So, so very very sorry. Please forgive me. Please, oh please--for my husband's sake.
EZ-Pass was a little skeptical but very generous...wellllllll, they let me have EZ-Pass back, but they told me I was on probation. As long as I didn't speed through in the next year, I would be okay.
But here's the kicker--about three months later, EZ-Pass opened SPEED LANES! Big signs proclaimed a speedy limit of 20 miles an hour! Hmm! WHERE DO YOU THINK THEY GOT THIS WONDERFUL IDEA FROM? They never sent me a thank you...but they also never took away my pass....soooooo, I think we'll let it go...and just be happy to come and go...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Shannon's Tree
This is from an email I sent out this summer...I have been sick with the awful virus that is going around and haven't had a chance to post...now that I'm feeling better, I have so much work to catch up on that I don't have time to post...I promise to work on more postings in the near future...
I believe in God; I believe in His miracles; I believe in His angels; I believe His everlasting love and mercy and grace are ever-extended to us...and I am so grateful to receive them! Our lives are but a moment...a flame that can be extinguished in an instant...where do you stand?
Today, my daughter, Shannon, while playing in my aunt's backyard, was struck by a falling tree.
I am attaching pictures that show just what this miracle looks like; how 
angels surrounded her; how her life was spared. My whole body is shaking with the memory of this afternoon as I type this email...Shannon and Abby, our cousin, were swinging between two old pines when they heard a crack and saw one of the trees start to fall. As Shannon tried to leap out of the way, the tree fell against her and struck her on the head and the back of her left shoulder. Its descent was stopped by an old box that she had just moved from between the trees. Shannon fell into the space between the tree and the ground. The stub of a tree branch had pierced a hole in her shirt and she had a long abrasion running down the shoulder blade where it dragged along her back.
My mom called to tell us what happened and I called the doctor to see what we should do. They said not to take any chances with that kind of trauma and said to take her straight to the University Peds ER. When we got to my aunt's house, Shannon looked fine. At first, she had been dizzy and pale and in some pain. My mother described the kind of smash her head and neck must have taken, but we couldn't even find a bump. We took her to the hospital, anyway, and everyone who saw her chart said they just had to come in and see the girl who got hit by a tree. From the very first exam to the last, she checked out fine...completely fine. They even decided that she was so fine that they didn't need to do an x-ray, mri or ct scan! We were there for under 3 hours (thank you, Sis. Donna Benjamin!) and they were all amazed at her lack of injury. They kept saying, "She's one lucky girl!" We kept saying, "No, God is great!" and "Thank you, God, for your angels!"
The tree that hit Shannon had a 17 inch diameter. It was the 10-foot-tall remains of a big old pine. The yardstick in one picture shows where Shannon was when it fell on her and that it was stopped just about 2 feet from the ground. When my aunt forwarded the pictures to me, she included a picture of the back side of the tree. If that side had hit her, several 2-inch branch stubs could have impaled her in the back. The tree, as it fell, landed and perfectly balanced on the 1-inch by 3-inch wide board that formed a corner of the box. If it had rolled either way, it would have crushed her under it. My grandmother's only brother, Jim, was struck by a falling tree and died, at age 26, leaving behind a wife and four children. Life is so fragile...
In Psalm 91, it is promised that "He that dwelleth in the the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty!" and that "He (Jehovah) will give His angels charge over thee..." God's angels encompassed and saved her life; not just her life, but also her body was spared from any damage (besides a long, superficial scrape on her back)! Yet as I sit here in awe and thankfulness, I am confident that, if her life had been taken from us, Shannon would be with God. I don't say this because she is an innocent child or because I am a Christian; I say this because she has accepted Jesus Christ into her life. She is a born-again Christian, living to follow God. She was calm and at peace throughout the long day; she is not traumatized at all. In fact, she just finished a big dinner of lasagna and chicken parm (when you have a tree fall on you, you get to pick dinner :D).
If you are not saved, or if you don't know whether or not God is real, look at Shannon's tree and know He is real and His love and mercy endure forever. IF you will accept and follow HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST, He will change your life and give you true, lasting peace. When your fragile flame is snuffed out, where will you be? Those who choose Jesus have the confidence of eternity in Heaven. Feel free to forward this email to others who might need to hear it.
Praise God!
I believe in God; I believe in His miracles; I believe in His angels; I believe His everlasting love and mercy and grace are ever-extended to us...and I am so grateful to receive them! Our lives are but a moment...a flame that can be extinguished in an instant...where do you stand?
Today, my daughter, Shannon, while playing in my aunt's backyard, was struck by a falling tree.

My mom called to tell us what happened and I called the doctor to see what we should do. They said not to take any chances with that kind of trauma and said to take her straight to the University Peds ER. When we got to my aunt's house, Shannon looked fine. At first, she had been dizzy and pale and in some pain. My mother described the kind of smash her head and neck must have taken, but we couldn't even find a bump. We took her to the hospital, anyway, and everyone who saw her chart said they just had to come in and see the girl who got hit by a tree. From the very first exam to the last, she checked out fine...completely fine. They even decided that she was so fine that they didn't need to do an x-ray, mri or ct scan! We were there for under 3 hours (thank you, Sis. Donna Benjamin!) and they were all amazed at her lack of injury. They kept saying, "She's one lucky girl!" We kept saying, "No, God is great!" and "Thank you, God, for your angels!"
The tree that hit Shannon had a 17 inch diameter. It was the 10-foot-tall remains of a big old pine. The yardstick in one picture shows where Shannon was when it fell on her and that it was stopped just about 2 feet from the ground. When my aunt forwarded the pictures to me, she included a picture of the back side of the tree. If that side had hit her, several 2-inch branch stubs could have impaled her in the back. The tree, as it fell, landed and perfectly balanced on the 1-inch by 3-inch wide board that formed a corner of the box. If it had rolled either way, it would have crushed her under it. My grandmother's only brother, Jim, was struck by a falling tree and died, at age 26, leaving behind a wife and four children. Life is so fragile...
In Psalm 91, it is promised that "He that dwelleth in the the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty!" and that "He (Jehovah) will give His angels charge over thee..." God's angels encompassed and saved her life; not just her life, but also her body was spared from any damage (besides a long, superficial scrape on her back)! Yet as I sit here in awe and thankfulness, I am confident that, if her life had been taken from us, Shannon would be with God. I don't say this because she is an innocent child or because I am a Christian; I say this because she has accepted Jesus Christ into her life. She is a born-again Christian, living to follow God. She was calm and at peace throughout the long day; she is not traumatized at all. In fact, she just finished a big dinner of lasagna and chicken parm (when you have a tree fall on you, you get to pick dinner :D).
If you are not saved, or if you don't know whether or not God is real, look at Shannon's tree and know He is real and His love and mercy endure forever. IF you will accept and follow HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST, He will change your life and give you true, lasting peace. When your fragile flame is snuffed out, where will you be? Those who choose Jesus have the confidence of eternity in Heaven. Feel free to forward this email to others who might need to hear it.
Praise God!
Friday, March 6, 2009
GOD Answers Prayer!
You may have noticed my two older children sporting braces, recently. This is a huge answer to prayer that I want to share with you. Our insurance does not cover orthodontia and our budget also didn't seem to...we had a work-up done by the dentist and they gave us a quote that involved one-third of the total cost as down payment for each child (OUCH!!! and DOUBLE OUCH!!!)
A couple people recommended another orthodontist who is less expensive, so I called that office. The office manager would not even give us a consult appointment because we had been seen by another orthodontist already. No matter how I explained that we couldn't afford that and were willing to sign waivers, whatever they wanted, she was a stone wall, unmoved. She said it would be unethical of them to take another doctor's patient. I tried to explain that we were shopping for a better deal...like looking for a car. (It's not unethical, by the way, but there is some kind of agreement among the local ortho's, not to poach patients from each other.)
I felt like we had hit a wall...we couldn't afford what we had, and couldn't get what we could maybe afford. So, we prayed...and prayed...and my husband said to talk to the orthodontist at our current office. I was so nervous! How could I look him in the face and say, "You're too expensive, we want to go somewhere else." ?
The problem was that one child needed help immediately, but the other had more problems and would need them longer and with more involvement. How to choose?
Fortunately, Wyatt needed his fake tooth removed (a whole 'nother story...) so I asked to see the orthodontist while we were there. He's relatively young and so I probably scared him a little when I burst into tears. (I know I scared myself a little--I don't cry...Tammy usually does that for me :D) I told him about the other orthodontist and explained what I could afford and why and that I didn't know how to choose between my children, as far as need. I'm not sure that I made complete sense, but he said he would contact me later that day. He was probably trying to just get away from the scary lady as quickly as possible.
Jump to later that evening...I was making dinner when the phone rang...it was the doctor...he made an unbelievable offer! We didn't have to make a down payment before they would start...we could pay an agreed amount each month until it is paid in full...and the entire cost for both kids was LESS than the other orthodontist! I can make the payments just from the little bit I earn each month, typing.
I don't know if he even knows why he did it, but I do! We serve an awesome God who cares enough to help with the little things, like straight teeth. So each time you see my little metal mouths, remember that God answers prayer!
PS--If you ever need a great pediatric dentist's office or orthodontist, let me know!
PPS--A little shout-out to Erin H...Praise the Lord and thanks for the encouraging word!
A couple people recommended another orthodontist who is less expensive, so I called that office. The office manager would not even give us a consult appointment because we had been seen by another orthodontist already. No matter how I explained that we couldn't afford that and were willing to sign waivers, whatever they wanted, she was a stone wall, unmoved. She said it would be unethical of them to take another doctor's patient. I tried to explain that we were shopping for a better deal...like looking for a car. (It's not unethical, by the way, but there is some kind of agreement among the local ortho's, not to poach patients from each other.)
I felt like we had hit a wall...we couldn't afford what we had, and couldn't get what we could maybe afford. So, we prayed...and prayed...and my husband said to talk to the orthodontist at our current office. I was so nervous! How could I look him in the face and say, "You're too expensive, we want to go somewhere else." ?
The problem was that one child needed help immediately, but the other had more problems and would need them longer and with more involvement. How to choose?
Fortunately, Wyatt needed his fake tooth removed (a whole 'nother story...) so I asked to see the orthodontist while we were there. He's relatively young and so I probably scared him a little when I burst into tears. (I know I scared myself a little--I don't cry...Tammy usually does that for me :D) I told him about the other orthodontist and explained what I could afford and why and that I didn't know how to choose between my children, as far as need. I'm not sure that I made complete sense, but he said he would contact me later that day. He was probably trying to just get away from the scary lady as quickly as possible.
Jump to later that evening...I was making dinner when the phone rang...it was the doctor...he made an unbelievable offer! We didn't have to make a down payment before they would start...we could pay an agreed amount each month until it is paid in full...and the entire cost for both kids was LESS than the other orthodontist! I can make the payments just from the little bit I earn each month, typing.
I don't know if he even knows why he did it, but I do! We serve an awesome God who cares enough to help with the little things, like straight teeth. So each time you see my little metal mouths, remember that God answers prayer!
PS--If you ever need a great pediatric dentist's office or orthodontist, let me know!
PPS--A little shout-out to Erin H...Praise the Lord and thanks for the encouraging word!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
You'll Never Hear This on the News...
When you're up against a struggle that shatters all your dreams,
And your hopes have been cruelly crushed by Satan's manifested schemes,
And you feel the urge within you to submit to earthly fears,
Praise the Lord! He can work through those who praise Him!
Praise the Lord! For our God inhabits praise!
Praise the Lord! For the chains that seem to bind you, serve only to remind you
That they drop powerless behind you, when you PRAISE HIM!
Now, Satan is a liar, and he wants to make us think that we are paupers,
When he knows himself...WE'RE CHILDREN OF THE KING!
So lift up the mighty shield of faith, for the battle must be won!
We know that JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN, so the work's already done!
Praise the Lord! He can work through those who praise Him!
Praise the Lord! For our God inhabits praise!
Praise the Lord! For the chains that seem to bind you, serve only to remind you
That they drop powerless behind you, when you PRAISE HIM!
<3, Jessy
And your hopes have been cruelly crushed by Satan's manifested schemes,
And you feel the urge within you to submit to earthly fears,
Praise the Lord! He can work through those who praise Him!
Praise the Lord! For our God inhabits praise!
Praise the Lord! For the chains that seem to bind you, serve only to remind you
That they drop powerless behind you, when you PRAISE HIM!
Now, Satan is a liar, and he wants to make us think that we are paupers,
When he knows himself...WE'RE CHILDREN OF THE KING!
So lift up the mighty shield of faith, for the battle must be won!
We know that JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN, so the work's already done!
Praise the Lord! He can work through those who praise Him!
Praise the Lord! For our God inhabits praise!
Praise the Lord! For the chains that seem to bind you, serve only to remind you
That they drop powerless behind you, when you PRAISE HIM!
<3, Jessy
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Night Noises

Sis. Linda read this book with first grade, yesterday. Then they talked about what noises they had heard at night.
She told me later that Wyatt said, "Last night, I could hear my mom and her friends praying."
What a blessing that he heard and remembered and shared that. Our children see and hear what we do, and it effects their lives.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Following God's Lead...but didn't I have a plan for that?
Is anyone else out there an over-thinker?
Let me back up...I am a home body. I hate to leave home, especially when I finally get home after a long day. Even as a child, I didn't enjoy staying at a friend's house for more than one night and never slept well away from home--just ask Debbie: I'd stay up late and still be up by the crack of dawn--how frustrating! But I digress...
There's always so much that needs to be done, daily, at home. Finding time for extras is always a challenge. Tell me this isn't a common-mom-problem. We spend so much time running kids around to different events, taking care of the home, volunteering at school, finding time to work...Yet it has been on my heart, more and more, that we sisters need prayer and need to make the time to pray together, believing and seeking, sharing and encouraging.
So, I would think about it, then get busy and forget about it for awhile. Then I actually mentioned it, out loud, to my sister-in-law and found that she was feeling the same way. We are sisters, friends and sisters-in-law, but we never seem to have time to sit and share, much less pray, together. We both agreed it was a good idea but hadn't heard of one we could attend and kind of left it hanging. One or the other of us would remind the other and we'd say we really should just start one, then. And so it went for a few months, until we finally said something like, "Urgh! Just pick a day, already, and we'll just DO IT!"
We've met for four weeks, so far. It has been a blessing and encouragement every time. Twice, it has just been Tammy and me...but even then, we have a reason to meet--it's so great to set aside all the other conversations we could be having and focus on the Lord. "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20) Our kids and other people's kids are often in the house but (mostly) not a distraction to our goal.
Now we come to the part where I am learning and growing...remember the beginning where I asked for over-thinkers? Remember my first entry where I admitted to seeing all the options and possibilities? Ugh. Perhaps it's also the teacher within me, but I felt the need for planning what would happen at these meetings. You don't walk into a classroom of 20 students without an idea of what to do. I'm not saying, at all, that I felt like a "teacher" for these prayer meetings. But I wanted it to be a blessing and time of growth and set about making sure I did everything I could to start that ball rolling. I asked my husband what the brothers do at their prayer meetings. I set about seeking the Word for something to share. I made a mental agenda, "Okay, first we'll share; then we'll pray; then we'll have snacks." (This is LW, after all, snacks are a given, right?) We had agreed it would have to be relatively short because we get up early and it's a weeknight.
Each time, I've had a little agenda in my head and each time, guess what? That is NOT how it goes. In each tangent, though, there is life. If this were my classroom, I might jump in and drag things back to the direction I was going. But these are my sisters and this is God's time. I'm just thankful for the fact that each and every time we meet, God's Spirit meets me and I am encouraged and strengthened. So I am realizing that it's not all about the little plans that I make--if I am surrendering to the Lord, I need to even surrender the need to plan.
This is not an easy thing for me to do. Jeff will tell you how often we would leave the house much later than he envisioned because I had to plan for every contingency: diapers, changes of clothes, snacks, blankets, what about a snack?, did we bring the sink?, and so it went... When we would have "disagreements" it would drive him nuts that I would pause before responding. I take a long time to think of what to say, before I speak. (That's a whole different lesson I learned. Sorry again, Bro Richards, for being so mouthy in science class.) But my husband is a very quick thinker and decision-maker, so he would think I was ignoring him. Made for great conversations about HOW we talk, before even dealing with the matter at hand. Anyway, the over-thinker and planner in me is slowly realizing it's, " 'not by might, nor by power, but by MY SPIRIT,' saith the Lord of Hosts." (Zechariah 4:6)
It's hard to let go of what we envision and plan, isn't it? Yet each time we meet, some sister shares something that helps us all, shares a scripture that encourages us, shares a new need we can agree in prayer about. If we had done everything according to the thoughts and plans in my head, would those have happened? Would the Lord be having His way? I don't know for sure, but I do know that I am learning to let go and it is such a blessing. 1 Thessalonians 5:18-19 says, "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. Do not stifle the Holy Spirit." (NLT version) Thank you for coming, sharing and praying--I'm thankful for all of you!
Praise His Holy Name!
Let me back up...I am a home body. I hate to leave home, especially when I finally get home after a long day. Even as a child, I didn't enjoy staying at a friend's house for more than one night and never slept well away from home--just ask Debbie: I'd stay up late and still be up by the crack of dawn--how frustrating! But I digress...
There's always so much that needs to be done, daily, at home. Finding time for extras is always a challenge. Tell me this isn't a common-mom-problem. We spend so much time running kids around to different events, taking care of the home, volunteering at school, finding time to work...Yet it has been on my heart, more and more, that we sisters need prayer and need to make the time to pray together, believing and seeking, sharing and encouraging.
So, I would think about it, then get busy and forget about it for awhile. Then I actually mentioned it, out loud, to my sister-in-law and found that she was feeling the same way. We are sisters, friends and sisters-in-law, but we never seem to have time to sit and share, much less pray, together. We both agreed it was a good idea but hadn't heard of one we could attend and kind of left it hanging. One or the other of us would remind the other and we'd say we really should just start one, then. And so it went for a few months, until we finally said something like, "Urgh! Just pick a day, already, and we'll just DO IT!"
We've met for four weeks, so far. It has been a blessing and encouragement every time. Twice, it has just been Tammy and me...but even then, we have a reason to meet--it's so great to set aside all the other conversations we could be having and focus on the Lord. "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20) Our kids and other people's kids are often in the house but (mostly) not a distraction to our goal.
Now we come to the part where I am learning and growing...remember the beginning where I asked for over-thinkers? Remember my first entry where I admitted to seeing all the options and possibilities? Ugh. Perhaps it's also the teacher within me, but I felt the need for planning what would happen at these meetings. You don't walk into a classroom of 20 students without an idea of what to do. I'm not saying, at all, that I felt like a "teacher" for these prayer meetings. But I wanted it to be a blessing and time of growth and set about making sure I did everything I could to start that ball rolling. I asked my husband what the brothers do at their prayer meetings. I set about seeking the Word for something to share. I made a mental agenda, "Okay, first we'll share; then we'll pray; then we'll have snacks." (This is LW, after all, snacks are a given, right?) We had agreed it would have to be relatively short because we get up early and it's a weeknight.
Each time, I've had a little agenda in my head and each time, guess what? That is NOT how it goes. In each tangent, though, there is life. If this were my classroom, I might jump in and drag things back to the direction I was going. But these are my sisters and this is God's time. I'm just thankful for the fact that each and every time we meet, God's Spirit meets me and I am encouraged and strengthened. So I am realizing that it's not all about the little plans that I make--if I am surrendering to the Lord, I need to even surrender the need to plan.
This is not an easy thing for me to do. Jeff will tell you how often we would leave the house much later than he envisioned because I had to plan for every contingency: diapers, changes of clothes, snacks, blankets, what about a snack?, did we bring the sink?, and so it went... When we would have "disagreements" it would drive him nuts that I would pause before responding. I take a long time to think of what to say, before I speak. (That's a whole different lesson I learned. Sorry again, Bro Richards, for being so mouthy in science class.) But my husband is a very quick thinker and decision-maker, so he would think I was ignoring him. Made for great conversations about HOW we talk, before even dealing with the matter at hand. Anyway, the over-thinker and planner in me is slowly realizing it's, " 'not by might, nor by power, but by MY SPIRIT,' saith the Lord of Hosts." (Zechariah 4:6)
It's hard to let go of what we envision and plan, isn't it? Yet each time we meet, some sister shares something that helps us all, shares a scripture that encourages us, shares a new need we can agree in prayer about. If we had done everything according to the thoughts and plans in my head, would those have happened? Would the Lord be having His way? I don't know for sure, but I do know that I am learning to let go and it is such a blessing. 1 Thessalonians 5:18-19 says, "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. Do not stifle the Holy Spirit." (NLT version) Thank you for coming, sharing and praying--I'm thankful for all of you!
Praise His Holy Name!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Wanted: A Graceful Exit
It happened again tonight. My husband pulled up the car, I made sure all the children went out, I said goodnight to the brother I had been chatting with, and I attempted to leave the building. Nope. The beautiful, hardwood, glass-paneled, brass-handled, extremely heavy double doors stopped me cold.
It happens every meeting. I usually try to time my exits so that I am following other people out a door that they seem to effortlessly open. I gain some confidence from the ease of their egress and attempt to mimic it the next time--only to be left grunting and shoving, uselessly, sometimes tilted at an extreme diagonal, hoping that the laws of physics somehow apply to the situation. It's like getting trapped in purgatory: you've already left, but you can't reach the promised land. You can see your loved ones on the other side, but are powerless to reach them.
Tonight, I had a little epiphany--I am Inigo Montoya. If you've ever seen The Princess Bride you can picture it...Inigo chases his father's murderer, who runs into a room and slams the door. Inigo backs up, runs and jumps at the door over and over, all the while screaming, "Fezzik! He's getting away! Help me! Fezzik! I need you!" That's what I feel like trying to get out of church. Anyone got an extra Fezzik I can borrow?
It happens every meeting. I usually try to time my exits so that I am following other people out a door that they seem to effortlessly open. I gain some confidence from the ease of their egress and attempt to mimic it the next time--only to be left grunting and shoving, uselessly, sometimes tilted at an extreme diagonal, hoping that the laws of physics somehow apply to the situation. It's like getting trapped in purgatory: you've already left, but you can't reach the promised land. You can see your loved ones on the other side, but are powerless to reach them.
Tonight, I had a little epiphany--I am Inigo Montoya. If you've ever seen The Princess Bride you can picture it...Inigo chases his father's murderer, who runs into a room and slams the door. Inigo backs up, runs and jumps at the door over and over, all the while screaming, "Fezzik! He's getting away! Help me! Fezzik! I need you!" That's what I feel like trying to get out of church. Anyone got an extra Fezzik I can borrow?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
So, here I am...where I said I would never be...
Yeah, I am not a blogger. I am, as my husband would say, perpetually caught in the paralysis of analysis. I see all the options and possibilities...ALL OF THEM...ALL THE TIME...and never take the big step. I would love to be a scrapbooker and beautifully preserve each moment of our lives; but I sit, STARING at the blank page--shifting pictures around, looking at different colors and prints, considering themes and stickers and markers vs. pencils--until finally, mostly because I need to have something to show for HOURS of attention, I have one (ONE) page. So here it is, my ONE post. Can I admit to you that I already re-edited this one simple paragraph several times?
Also, I am a WORD-NERD. I love words! I love learning where they come from, how they are constructed, love learning how to spell them and their variations, love seeing them, writing them, love putting them together with other words...love 'em. I read all the time, just for the joy of taking new words and knowledge into my brain. BTW--I readily admit that it doesn't always stick! :D
Now combine that love of words with PoA (paralysis of analysis) and you have me...the person terrified to write because there are so many ways to put the words together. There are so many ways to say what is meant; so many ways to be misunderstood; to spell things wrong; to follow a line of thought; to go on a tangent. There are so many ways to make a mistake, but I guess I am learning that it is also a mistake to withhold when you have the ability to give.
One of my favorite scriptures is also a song and also my e-mail signature--"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer!" (Psalm 19:14) So here I am--putting myself out there to "build and defend." I really appreciated Bro. David's message on Sunday night (2/22/09) and that we need to build the Church--witness and testify--and defend the Church--be a working part and lift the standard.
Well, I have to go get ready for the working part...7th Grade English class.
Praise the Name of Jehovah!
Also, I am a WORD-NERD. I love words! I love learning where they come from, how they are constructed, love learning how to spell them and their variations, love seeing them, writing them, love putting them together with other words...love 'em. I read all the time, just for the joy of taking new words and knowledge into my brain. BTW--I readily admit that it doesn't always stick! :D
Now combine that love of words with PoA (paralysis of analysis) and you have me...the person terrified to write because there are so many ways to put the words together. There are so many ways to say what is meant; so many ways to be misunderstood; to spell things wrong; to follow a line of thought; to go on a tangent. There are so many ways to make a mistake, but I guess I am learning that it is also a mistake to withhold when you have the ability to give.
One of my favorite scriptures is also a song and also my e-mail signature--"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer!" (Psalm 19:14) So here I am--putting myself out there to "build and defend." I really appreciated Bro. David's message on Sunday night (2/22/09) and that we need to build the Church--witness and testify--and defend the Church--be a working part and lift the standard.
Well, I have to go get ready for the working part...7th Grade English class.
Praise the Name of Jehovah!
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